Self-Compassion for Caregivers with Kristin Neff

Live Online Workshop April 27th from 9am - 12pm PT

Self-compassion is crucial for caregivers because it allows us to resource ourselves so that we can sustain giving to others without burning out.

This workshop will present theory and research on the key role that self-compassion plays for caregivers and explore practices that can help individuals maintain equilibrium in difficult caregiving situations.

Workshop Details

This course meets on Saturday, April 27, 2024

Hours:  9:00 AM - 12:00 PM PT / 12:00 - 3:00 PM EST– Click here to view the Time Conversion Chart

The cost of this workshop is $125.

Think of all the generous, kind people you know who constantly give compassion and care to others, yet continually beat themselves up. Most of us are quite practiced at being supportive and giving to others, especially those of us who find ourselves in caregiver roles.  Whether we have a special needs child, a parent with Alzheimer’s, an ill partner, or are in a caregiving profession such as being a doctor, nurse, therapist, or teacher, we know how to give support, comfort, and compassion to the people who need us.  But how many of us offer that same level of compassion and care to ourselves? Whether caring for family members or professional clients, if caring just goes one way - out, but not in - you will eventually become drained and depleted.  Self-compassion is crucial for caregivers because it allows us to resource ourselves so that we can sustain giving to others without burning out. 

This workshop will present theory and research on the key role that self-compassion plays for caregivers. A variety of practices will be taught that can help individuals maintain equilibrium in difficult caregiving situations.  We will also explore how to meet our needs in a balanced and fulfilling manner. 

Learning objectives:

  1. Describe the main components of self-compassion
  2. Distinguish between empathy fatigue and compassion fatigue
  3. Identify the link between self-compassion, stress, and burnout
  4. Apply self-compassion in caregiving contexts


Kristin Neff

Co-Founder, CMSC

Kristin Neff, Ph.D., is co-founder of CMSC and co-developer of MSC. She is Associate Professor in the Educational Psychology Dept. at the University of Texas at Austin. She is a pioneer in the field of self-compassion research, being the first person to operationally define and measure the construct. She has published widely including numerous academic articles, book chapters and the popular book Self-Compassion: The Proven Power of Being Kind to Yourself. She is also Associate Editor at the journal Mindfulness. Kristin’s work has received extensive media coverage, including the New York Times, MSNBC, National Public Radio, Scientific American, and Psychology Today. Kristin is an MSC teacher trainer, and leads MSC intensives and workshops around the world.


  • Where can I find the scholarship or refund policy?

    Please refer to our public policies here:

  • Will I be taxed on my registration?

    ​​Information on sales tax collection that may affect your purchases of courses through CMSC: In accordance with Marketplace Facilitator/Provider laws, CMSC is now required to collect and remit sales tax on sales in some areas of the United States and Canada. This is required even as we are a registered non-profit. What does this mean for you? It means that when you purchase a course with CMSC in some states or provinces ( U.S. & Canada), the sales tax will be automatically calculated and collected at the time of checkout. This ensures compliance with tax regulations in your area. If you have any questions or concerns about this change, please don't hesitate to reach out to our customer support team: [email protected].

  • What would be grounds for participant removal?

    Participation is at the discretion of the teachers and facilitators at all times. If, in the opinion of the teachers and facilitators, you are unable to continue to participate productively in the course, you may be asked to discontinue. Decisions of removal are to ensure CMSC provides the safest space possible for our participants and teachers. Please see our refund policy regarding necessary participant removal.

  • What are the parameters of participation?

    Our programs are designed to teach participants the tools needed to develop and cultivate a mindfulness and self-compassion practice. It is not a substitute for mental health care, personal therapy or medical treatment. Personal safety and emotional wellbeing are the foundation of self-compassion training and you are primarily responsible for your own safety. Teachers and facilitators are not expected or able to provide medical and/or psychological care. Course experiences may bring up challenging memories or feelings. If you have a history with a serious mental health condition or other concerns you think may impact your ability to take this course, please contact CMSC or your healthcare professional to determine if this course is right for you. Your personal contact information may be used in the event the teacher or facilitator reasonably determines a need to call emergency services on your behalf.